Flowers & Herbs is another herbal blend from our collection. It features many magical ingredients. Amongst the diverse fragrances, the most pronounced are the flowers lavender and chamomile. Flowers & Herbs is an amazing companion on our daily adventures; its gentle character expresses itself best during the evening. The sweet, captivating flavour of lavender is soothing, whilst the other ingredients such as fennel and cinnamon delicately stimulate the digestive system.
We recommend this herbal blend to any of you who are sometimes looking for a caffeine break, but don’t want to miss out on coffee and tea’s unique taste. We believe that Flowers & Herbs will be an amazing evening alternative to the other infusions in our collection. After all, one cannot live on tea alone! 😉
Skład: lawenda, koper włoski, rumianek, dzika róża, pokrzywa, karob, nasiona konopii, ziarno kolendry, cynamon, anyż
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