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An excellent matcha tea to start your journey. It’s great for drinking with water or milk, as well as for sweet baking.

60,00 210,00 


Matcha Keiki is our offer for fans of Japanese sweets. A great quantity of freshly ground, second flush green tea with its sweet aroma is a perfect fit for all baked goods and delicious matcha lattes, giving them not only a characteristic tea flavour but also a powerful green colour.

As a budget option, we also checked how Matcha Keiki tastes when prepared just with water and we were honestly amazed. At this price, it is difficult to find an equally balanced matcha, without a distinct bitterness, with a pleasant nuttiness and umami notes. Take note that this tea is produced in a very similar way to our Matcha Kotobuki, the difference being that the Keiki comes from a second flush. The production process however is virtually unchanged, including grinding tea in traditional stone mills. We highly recommend this tea!

Harvest: spring 2024

Origin: Kagoshima, Japon

Cultivar: Saemidori, Okumidori, Tsuyuhikari
Profile: spinach, sea salt, grape

Additional information

Weight N/A


Kraj pochodzenia


Our impressions


This is the best matcha compromise. Versatile and high-quality matcha at a good price.

Brewing methods

Usucha style (lighter, foamy matcha):

weight 1.6g/70ml water

temp 75-80°C

Soak the fibers of the chasen (bamboo whisk) in warm water.

It’s worth sifting matcha through a strainer directly into the chawan (large tea bowl) to avoid clumping.

Add water and stir with the chasen 4-5 times in a sweeping circular motion at the bottom of the bowl to set the powder in motion. Then, for 30 seconds, vigorously move the chasen in a “W” shape back and forth at the bottom of the bowl.

Finally, gently run the chasen over the surface of the infusion to lightly break up any excess foam.

Quick iced matcha latte:

weight 2g/30ml water + 3/4 milk of your choice

temp 75-80°C

Prepare the matcha with a chasen (as described above), then pour it into a tall 250ml glass filled with ice cubes and top it off with cold milk (we recommend oat or rice milk!).

Alternatively, a similar drink can be made without ice cubes and with warm milk.

Tea profile

Learn more!

Jak przygotować matchę?
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Czym przygotować matchę?
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